Study Aids
The Law Library subscribes to a number of services to provide you with current study aids. There may be a current print version as well. Click the individual titles to see the catalog record for location and availability of the print version (if available) and a link to the online version.
Faculty suggestions.
The National Jurist ranked the most popular study aids after surveying law students.
Some of the study aids available are Examples & Explanations, Emanuel Law Outlines, and Glannon Guides. You can access this content online; download PDF versions for offline reading; and take notes, highlight and/or bookmark content with an optional personalized account.
Lexis ebooks, including the Carolina Academic Press "Understanding Series", made available through OverDrive. Create a personal account in order to highlight and annotate the books.
You initially access the study aids subscription with your MyID. Then you should create your own account which allows you to take notes and highlight. Be sure to look at all the titles under "1L Subjects".
CALI (Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction)
CALI provides a host of lessons and tutorials across subjects. If you do not have a CALI account contract the library to get Mercer's registration code. Accounts can be created at
There are a few titles in Westlaw Edge or Lexis Plus (the research services). You can access them after you have set-up your Westlaw and Lexis accounts. Account access passwords are distributed during orientation.
Civil Procedure (Judgments & Jurisdictions)