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Presentations, Lectures, & Speeches
- “Back to School: Judge William Augustus Bootle and the Desegregation of the University of Georgia,” Hidden Legal Figures Podcast (recorded September, 2019)
- “Update on Attorney Discipline,” Urgent Legal Matters Institute, Jekyll Island, Georgia (August, 2019)
- “Mitigation for Attorney Misconduct,” Special Master Training, State Bar of Georgia Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida (June, 2019)
- “Civility as a Professional Virtue,” Mercer University School of Law Ethics and Professionalism CLE (January, 2019)
- “Hot Topics in Professionalism: Then (1988) and Now (2019),” State Bar of Georgia Mid-year Meeting, Macon, Georgia (January, 2019)
- “Judge William Augustus Bootle and the Desegregation of the University of Georgia,” Arc of Justice Institute Program, Macon, Georgia (April, 2018)
- “Jury Selection Then and Now: A Debate Between Clarence Darrow and Dr. Jason Bull,” W.A. Bootle Inn of Court (author and moderator), Macon, Georgia (November, 2017)
- “Panel Discussion on Mental Health for Lawyers and Law Students,” Mercer University School of Law (moderator), Macon, Georgia (November, 2017)
- “Panel Discussion on Attorney Ethics,” National Association of Women Judges Annual Meeting (moderator), Atlanta, Georgia (October, 2017)
- “Panel Discussion on Professionalism for Judges and Attorneys,” National Association of Women Judges Annual Meeting (moderator), Atlanta, Georgia (October, 2017)
- “Professionalism and Attorney Well-Being,” United States Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Georgia Professionalism CLE, Macon, Georgia (September, 2017)
- “Update on Legal Ethics,” State Bar of Georgia School and College Law Section CLE, Atlanta, Georgia (August, 2017)
- Panelist, “Exercises and Simulations for a First-Year Course on Professionalism,” and “Required/Elective, Number of Credits and Graded/Pass/Fail,” Holloran Center Workshop on First-Year Professionalism Programs, University of St. Thomas Law School, Minneapolis, Minnesota (May 2017)
- “Not Farewell to the Class of 2017,” Mercer University School of Law Senior Class Dinner (May 2017) (selected by members of 2017 graduating class)
- “Who’s in Charge: The Ethics and Professionalism of Client v. Lawyer Control,” Valdosta Bar Association, Valdosta, Georgia (March 2017)
- “Who’s in Charge: The Ethics and Professionalism of Client v. Lawyer Control,” Mercer University School of Law CLE, Atlanta, Georgia (February 2017)
- Co-moderator, workshop session on professionalism and personal codes of ethics, Symposium/Workshop on The Next Steps of a Professional Formation Social Movement, Holloran Center for Ethical Leadership in the Professions, University of St. Thomas School of Law, Minneapolis, Minnesota (February 2017)
- “Conflicts of Interest,” (panelist) W.A. Bootle Inn of Court, Macon, Georgia (January 2017)
- “Professionalism and the Future of Legal Services,” Georgia School Board Association School Law Seminar, Atlanta, Georgia (December 2016)
- Program Chair and Moderator, 17th Annual Georgia Symposium on Professionalism and Ethics, “Educational Interventions to Cultivate Professional Identity in Law Students,” Macon, Georgia (October, 2016)
- “Legal Ethics and the Future of Legal Services,” Georgia Tort Law Seminar, Macon, Georgia (September 2016)
- “Acting for Your Client,” (moderator) Beginning Lawyers Program, Atlanta, Georgia (February 2016)
- “The Foundations of Practice Project of Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers,” Association for Continuing Legal Education Plenary Session, Savannah, Georgia (February, 2016)
- “The Foundations of Practice Project of Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers,” William Augustus Bootle Inn of Court, Macon, Georgia (January, 2016)
- “Justice in the Deep South: Learning From History, Charting Our Future,” Closing Panel Discussion (moderator), Mercer University School of Law, Macon, Georgia (October 2015)
- "The Scrivener's Error: A Demonstration of Teaching Practical Wisdom," St. Mary’s University School of Law, San Antonio, Texas (October 2015)
- “Teaching Professional Identity Formation in Law School,” St. Mary’s University School of Law, San Antonio, Texas (October 2015)
- "The Scrivener's Error: A Demonstration of Teaching Practical Wisdom," Workshop on Professional Identity, Holloran Center for Ethical Leadership in the Professions, Chaska, Minnesota (July, 2015)
- “The Mentor Project,” Macon Trial Lawyers Association, Macon, Georgia (June 2015)
- “Part-time Prosecutors and Conflicts of Interest,” Georgia District Attorneys Quarterly Meeting, Perry, Georgia (April 2015)
- “Acting for Your Client,” (moderator) Beginning Lawyers Program, Atlanta, Georgia (February 2015)
- “Teaching Professional Formation in the First Year of Law School,” Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. (with Daisy Floyd, Tim Floyd, Patti Alleva and Michael McGinnis) (January, 2015)
- “Professional Identity and the Practice-Ready Lawyer,” Legal Writing Institute Workshop, Macon, Georgia (with Daisy Floyd) (December 2014)
- “Prosecution Ethics and the Discipline of Doctors,” Federation of State Medical Boards Attorney Workshop, Savannah, Georgia (with Professor Zack Buck) (October 2014)
- “Reflections on Teaching Professionalism: A Thank You Note to Professor Jack Sammons,” Mercer Law Review symposium, Macon, Georgia, (October 2014)
- “Issues in Dealing with an Entity Client,” Institute for City and County Attorneys, Institute for Continuing Legal Education of Georgia, Athens, Georgia (September 2014)
- “Professionalism Applied,” Henry County Bar Association, Oconee, Georgia (September 2014)
- “Examination of the Impact on Professionalism Arising from the Various Proposals for Change in Legal Education,” New York State Judicial Institute on Professionalism Convocation on The Coming Changes to Legal Education: Ensuring Professional Values, White Plains, New York (panelist) (May 2014)
- “Ethics and Professionalism: Perspectives After Forty Years at the Bar,” Macon, Georgia (moderator) (March 2014)
- “Acting for Your Client,” (moderator) Beginning Lawyers Program, Atlanta, Georgia (February 2014)
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