The Formation of Professional Identity by Patrick Emery Longan; Daisy Hurst Floyd; Timothy W. FloydPublication Date: Routledge, 2019
Becoming a lawyer is about much more than acquiring knowledge and technique. As law students learn the law and acquire some basic skills, they are also inevitably forming a deep sense of themselves in their new roles as lawyers. That sense of self - the student's nascent professional identity - needs to take a particular form if the students are to fullfil the public purposes of lawyers and find deep meaning and satisfaction in their work. In this book, the authors combine what they have learned in many years of teaching and research concerning the lawyer's professional identity with lessons derived from legal ethics, moral psychology, and moral philosophy. They describe in depth the six virtues that every lawyer needs as part of his or her professional identity, and they explore both the obstacles to acquiring and deploying those virtues and strategies for overcoming those impediments.