The Formation of Professional Identity: The Path from Student to Lawyer by Patrick Longan; Daisy Floyd; Timothy FloydBecoming a lawyer is about much more than acquiring knowledge and technique. As law students learn the law and acquire some basic skills, they are also inevitably forming a deep sense of themselves in their new roles as lawyers. That sense of self--the student's nascent professional identity--needs to take a particular form if the students are to fulfil the public purposes of lawyers and find deep meaning and satisfaction in their work. In this book, Professors Patrick Longan, Daisy Floyd, and Timothy Floyd combine what they have learned in many years of teaching and research concerning the lawyer's professional identity with lessons derived from legal ethics, moral psychology, and moral philosophy. They describe in depth the six virtues that every lawyer needs as part of his or her professional identity, and they explore both the obstacles to acquiring and deploying those virtues and strategies for overcoming those impediments. The result is a straightforward guide for law students on how to cultivate a professional identity that will allow them to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others and to flourish as individuals.This book is a resource that can be used in a number of ways to help law schools meet the requirement of revised Standard 303 to provide substantial opportunities for the development of professional identity. It is appropriate for use as a text for a stand-alone course focused on professional identity or as supplementary reading in other courses, including Professional Responsibility and experiential education seminars. It can also be used to prompt discussion in orientation and other non-credit opportunities.
Publication Date: 2nd edition, 2024
Work in Progress
Near the Cross: Reflections on Justice, Mercy, and the Death Penalty
Can a Good Christian Be a Good Lawyer? by Thomas E. Baker (Editor); Timothy W. Floyd (Editor)Law professors Thomas E. Baker and Timothy W. Floyd asked some of their legal colleagues to respond to this provocative question: "Can a good Christian be a good lawyer?" Here are twenty-one highly personal narratives that answer the question of how each writer tries, sometimes but not always successfully, to be both a good Christian and a good lawyer. How does a lawyer called to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ reconcile his or her faith with the secular calling to the legal profession? The editors did not set out to provide some kind of final resolution or unified consensus. Instead, they have compiled a remarkable collection of reflections by lawyers, judges, and academics who represent many different branches of Christianity.
Publication Date: University of Notre Dame Press, 1997
The Lawyer as a Professional (co-editor with W. Frank Newton) (Texas Center for Legal Ethics and Professionalism 1991)