General Information
Database Passwords
- Westlaw, Lexis and, Bloomberg
- If you do not have one of the above, please let us know. We will make sure that you have access before classes begin.
Course Reserves, Scanning, Classroom Support
- Need anything for your classes? Let us know.
- Many of the resources the students need are accessible through various e-platforms such as ProView.
- ProView on Westlaw - Ebook treatises and practice guides. Titles include Administrative Law: Practice and Procedure, Automobile Liability Insurance, Attorneys' Fees, American Law of Zoning, Age Discrimination, Blue's Guide to Jury Selection, Criminal Procedure 4th, Closing Arguments, Environmental Law, and Federal Tort Claims.
- Members of the law school community can also access ProView through their personal Westlaw account.
Study Aids Access for Students
Reference or Information
Guest Lectures for Classes
- The librarians and academic representatives from Westlaw, Lexis, or Bloomberg are available to give guest lectures or workshops for your students.