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Sharon Bradley - Curriculum Vitae: Job Description

At A Glance


  • M.L.I.S., Florida State University
  • J.D., University of Montana School of Law
  • B.S., Valdosta State College


  • Mercer University School of Law 2019 - present
    • Associate Librarian for Administration & Public Service 2023 -
    • Digital & Scholarly Resources Librarian 2019 - 2023
  • University of Georgia School of Law 2003 - 2019
    • Special Collections Librarian 2010 - 2019
    • Faculty Services Librarian 2003 - 2010
  • Thomas M. Cooley School of Law 1993-2003
    • Reference Librarian for Technology Education
    • Lawyer/Librarian
  • Daley & Associates 1987-1993
    • Member Florida Bar Association
    • Specialized in appellate and post-conviction representation
  • U.S. Air Force 1980-1983
    • Missile Maintenance Officer

Duties & Responsibilities

Institutional Repository - 30%

  • Managing and enhancing the digital presence of the Mercer Law Review and the work of Mercer Law Faculty through the creation and maintenance of the Mercer Law Scholarship Institutional Repository (includes coordinating the workflow and lifecycle of the law school's scholarly digital first resources and administering the Mercer Law Scholarship Digital Repository).

Instruction - 25%

  • Teaching courses and workshops as assigned, including participating in the library's Legal Research Curriculum and teaching a section of the 1L Introduction to Legal Research Course.
  • 2023-2024 Academic Year
    • Fall
      • Taught two sections of Introduction to Legal Research (76 students). Developed new syllabus and assessments.
      • Taught one section of Advanced Legal Research
    • Spring
      • Taught one section of Advanced Legal Research

Mercer Law Review - 20%

  • Coordinating and assisting the work of the student editors of the Mercer Law Review with regard to digital and print publication, including ensuring continuity and uniformity from year to year, educating and training members of the law review on new and developing technology and publication practices for academic legal publishing, and assisting in the implementation of new technology in the workflows of the law review.
    • Responsible for the law review's online presence. Administer the school's first project management system for the Mercer Law Review, using ProofHub

Reference - 15%

Scholarly Initiatives - 10%

  • Developing services and policies to assist with library scholarly initiatives and engaging in professional development designed to stay current on developments and trends in scholarly publishing and library services.

Associate Law Librarian for Administration & Public Service

Profile Photo
Sharon Bradley
Mercer University School of Law
Room 220 (behind Circulation)
Office Hours - Fall 2024
• Tues 10:00 – 12:00
• Wed 1:00 – 2:30
• Thus 9:30 – 11:00
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