Law Review Articles and Book Reviews
- Rescuing Roe, 24 N.Y.U. J. Legis. Pub. Pol'y 313 (2022) (with Professor Rosalind S. Simson).
- Election Laws Disproportionately Disadvantaging Racial Minorities, and the Futility of Trying to Solve Today’s Problems with Yesterday’s Never Very Good Tools, 70 Emory L.J. 1143 (2021) (in Symposium, Election Law in a Changing Political Landscape).
- A Community Initiative for Juvenile Justice: Why Not Your Community Too?, 27 Juvenile Justice Update 5-10 (Fall 2021).
- It’s Alright, Ma, It’s Life and Life Only: Are Colleges and Universities Legally Obligated during the Coronavirus Pandemic to Exempt High-Risk Faculty from In-Person Teaching Requirements?, 48 Pepp. L. Rev. 649 (2021) (with Professors Mark L. Jones, Cathren K. Page, and Suzianne D. Painter-Thorne).
- The Uncertain Good of Overruling Smith, Emory Center for the Study of Law and Religion: Canopy Forum (Oct. 2020).
- Racially Neutral in Form, Racially Discriminatory in Fact: The Implications for Voting Rights of Giving Disproportionate Racial Impact the Constitutional Importance It Deserves, 71 Mercer L. Rev. 811 (2020) (in Symposium, Contemporary Issues in Election Law).
- An Essay on Illusion and Reality in the Conflict of Laws, 70 Mercer Law Review 819-64 (2019).
- Permissible Accommodation or Impermissible Endorsement? A Proposed Approach to Religious Exemptions and the Establishment Clause, 106 Kentucky L.J. 535 (2018) (in Symposium, Religious Exemptions and Harm to Others).
- Religious Arguments by Citizens to Influence Public Policy: The Lessons of the Establishment Clause, 66 Mercer L. Rev. 273 (2015) (in Symposium, The Scholarship and Teaching of Jack Sammons).
- Annual Brainerd Currie Lecture – Choice of Law after the Currie Revolution: What Role for the Needs of the Interstate and International Systems?, 63 Mercer L. Rev. 715 (2012) (revised version of first book chapter listed above).
- Religion by Any Other Name? Prohibitions on Same-Sex Marriage and the Limits of the Establishment Clause, 23 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 132-201 (2012).
- Teaching Seminars – Pedagogy and Potential, 63 Mercer L. Rev. 1057 (2012) (in Symposium, Faculty Essays on Curricular Reform and Instructional Innovation).
- Religion, Same-Sex Marriage, and the Defense of Marriage Act, 41 California Western International Law Journal 35-46 (2010) (in Symposium on DOMA and Issues Concerning Federalism and Interstate Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships).
- To Teach or Not to Teach, 39 University of Toledo Law Review 375-81 (2008) (in Leadership in Legal Education Symposium VIII).
- Reflections on Free Exercise: Revisiting Rourke v. Department of Correctional Services, 70 Albany Law Review 1425-34 (2007) (in Symposium: A Second-Class Constitutional Right? Free Exercise and the Current State of Religious Freedom in the United States).
- Beyond Interstate Recognition in the Same-Sex Marriage Debate, 40 U.C. Davis Law Review 313-83 (2006).
- Separate But Equal and Single-Sex Schools, 90 Cornell Law Review 443-61 (2005) (in Symposium, Revisiting Brown v. Board of Education: 50 Years of Legal and Social Debate).
- Book Review, 109 American Journal of Sociology 527-29 (2003) (review of Janice M. Irvine's Talk About Sex: The Battles over Sex Education in the United States).
- The Choice-of-Law Revolution in the United States: Notes on Rereading von Mehren, 36 Cornell International Law Journal 125-33 (2003) (revised version of third book chapter listed above).
- School Vouchers and the Constitution – Permissible, Impermissible, or Required?, 11 Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy 553-76 (2002) (in Symposium, Children and Education: Tensions Within the Parent-Child-State Triad).
- Knockin' on Heaven's Door: Rethinking the Role of Religion in Death Penalty Cases, 86 Cornell Law Review 1090-1130 (2001) (with Professor Stephen P. Garvey).
- Keeping the Sex in Sex Education: The First Amendment's Religion Clauses and the Sex Education Debate, 9 Southern California Review of Law and Women's Studies 265-97 (2000) (with Erika A. Sussman, Esq.) (in Symposium: Gender-Based Analyses of World Religions and the Law).
- Leave Bad Enough Alone, 75 Indiana Law Journal 649-57 (2000) (in Symposium: Preparing for the Next Century – A New Restatement for Conflicts?).
- Resisting the Allure of Better Rule of Law, 52 Arkansas Law Review 141-55 (1999) (in Robert A. Leflar: Symposium on Conflict of Laws).
- Endangering Religious Liberty, 84 California Law Review 441-92 (1996) (review essay on Jesse H. Choper's Securing Religious Liberty).
- Mired in the Confirmation Mess, 143 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1035-63 (1995) (review essay on Stephen L. Carter's The Confirmation Mess).
- Laws Intentionally Favoring Mainstream Religions: An Unhelpful Comparison to Race, 79 Cornell Law Review 514-21 (1994) (response to lead article by Professor Jesse H. Choper).
- Thomas's Supreme Unfitness – A Letter to the Senate on Advise and Consent, 78 Cornell Law Review 619-63 (1993).
- The Neumeier-Schultz Rules: How Logical a "Next Stage in the Evolution of the Law" after Babcock?, 56 Albany Law Review 913-32 (1993) (in Symposium on Conflict of Laws, Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Babcock v. Jackson).
- Plotting the Next "Revolution" in Choice of Law: A Proposed Approach, 24 Cornell International Law Journal 279-97 (1991) (in Symposium, New Directions in Choice of Law: Alternatives to Interest Analysis).
- Taking the Court Seriously: A Proposed Approach to Senate Confirmation of Supreme Court Nominees, 7 Constitutional Commentary 283-324 (1990).
- The Establishment Clause in the Supreme Court: Rethinking the Court's Approach, 72 Cornell Law Review 905-35 (1987).
- The Role of History in Constitutional Interpretation: A Case Study, 70 Cornell Law Review 253-70 (1985) (revised version of fourth book chapter listed above).
- Dred Scott v. Sandford: Right Result, Wrong Reasons?, 32 Stanford Law Review 879-85 (1980) (review of Don E. Fehrenbacher's The Dred Scott Case).
- Discrimination Against Nonresidents and the Privileges and Immunities Clause of Article IV, 128 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 379-401 (1979).
- Abortion, Poverty and the Equal Protection of the Laws, 13 Georgia Law Review 505-14 (1979).
- State Autonomy in Choice of Law: A Suggested Approach, 52 Southern California Law Review 61-88 (1978).
- A Method for Analyzing Discriminatory Effects under the Equal Protection Clause, 29 Stanford Law Review 663-711 (1977).
- Jury Nullification in the American System: A Skeptical View, 54 Texas Law Review 488-525 (1976).
- The Conclusive Presumption Cases: The Search for a Newer Equal Protection Continues, 24 Catholic University Law Review 217-42 (1975).
- The Return of American Banana: A Contemporary Perspective on American Antitrust Abroad, 9 Journal of International Law and Economics 233-66 (1974).
- Another View of Rawls’s Theory of Justice, 23 Emory Law Journal 473-96 (1974).
- The Public Policy Doctrine in Choice of Law: A Reconsideration of Older Themes, 1974 Washington University Law Quarterly 391-420.
- Note, Mental Illness: A Suspect Classification?, 83 Yale Law Journal 1237-70 (1974).
- The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970: State Plans and the General Duty Clause, 34 Ohio State Law Journal 599-627 (1973), reprinted in 2 Workmen’s Compensation Law Review 323-51 (1975).
- Interstate Agreements in the American Federal System, 27 Rutgers Law Review 70-126 (1973) (with Professor W. Michael Reisman).
Introductions to Law Review Symposia
Tributes in Law Reviews
- Judge W. Homer Drake, Jr. – An Appreciation, 22 Journal of Southern Legal History 13-15 (2014).
- Remembering Fred Z, 48 San Diego Law Review 47-52 (2011).
- Mel Durchslag – Forever Young, 58 Case Western Reserve Law Review 999-1001 (2008).
- Ronald J. Coffey, Master Mentor, 58 Case Western Reserve Law Review 17-18 (2007).
Selected Opinion Pieces
- Should No Garland Mean No Gorsuch?, National Law Journal, March 20, 2017, at 22.
- Religion’s Role in Bans on Same-Sex Marriage, National Law Journal, April 14, 2014, at 34.
- A Message to Graduates, Atlanta Daily Report, May 9, 2013.
- Say 'Enough' to U.S. News, National Law Journal, July 28, 2008, at 22.
- Death Penalty Cases and the First Amendment’s Religion Clauses, Cornell Law Forum, Winter 2002, at 7-10 (with Professor Stephen P. Garvey).
- Using God in Death Cases, National Law Journal, Oct. 1, 2001, at 24 (with Professor Stephen P. Garvey).
- 'Don't Do It' May Be Illegal, National Law Journal, Feb. 19, 2001, at 22 (with Erika A. Sussman, Esq.).
- Paula Jones Case Lacks Urgency for Trial Now, National Law Journal, Feb. 24, 1997, at 10.
- Neutrality Isn't Always Even-Handed Policy, National Law Journal, April 1, 1996, at 19.
- Unfinished Business in Kiryas Joel, Cornell Law Forum, July 1995, at 15-18.
- Kiryas Joel II Revisits Issue of Favoritism, National Law Journal, Feb. 6, 1995, at 6.
- Better Way to Choose Supremes, National Law Journal, March 21, 1994, at 19.
- The First Amendment and Religion, Cornell Law Forum, Feb. 1985, at 2-5.