The Discursive Ethics of Jack Sammons, 66 Mercer L. Rev. 447 (2015) [Symposium Organizer].
Assessing the Moral Status of State Immigration Actions, 5 JOHN MARSHALL L. REV. 549 (2012).
Using John Dewey’s Pragmatist Epistemology to Teach Legal Analysis and Communication, 5 THE CRIT: J.OF CRITICAL LEG.STUD. 1 (2011).
Reflections, Remembrances, and Mimesis: One Person’s View of the Significance of the 25th Anniversary of the Founding of the Legal Writing Institute, 61 Mercer L. Rev. 747 (2010) [Symposium Organizer].
“Western” Notions of Justice: Legal Outsiders in American Cinema, 42 SUFFOLK L. REV. 849 (2009) [Symposium Organizer].
The Centrality of Metaphor in Legal Analysis and Communication: An Introduction, 58 Mercer L. Rev. 839 (2007) (Symposium Organizer).
Who is on the Outside Looking In, and What Do They See?: Metaphors of Exclusion in Legal Education, 58 Mercer L. Rev. 991 (2007).
Moderator, Question and Answer Period of Symposium Participants, 58 Mercer L. Rev. 1021 (2007).
Organic Constitutionalism: Rousseau, Hegel and the Constitution of Society, 6J.L.SOC’Y 36(2005).
The Confines of Modern Constitutionalism,3 PIERCE L.REV.1(2004)[Lead Article];Critiquing Modern Constitutionalism, 3 APPALACHIANJ.L. 37 (2004) [Solicited Article].
Assessing the Writing Skills of New Law Graduates: A Comparison of the Attitudes of Judges, Practitioners and Legal Writing Professors,53 J. LEGAL ED.80(2003) [Peer Reviewed Article][with Susan Kosse].
Situating “Thinking Like a Lawyer” Within Legal Pedagogy,49 CLEVE.ST.L.REV.29 (2003).
Self-Defense in International Law, the United Nations, and the Bosnian Conflict, 56 PITTSBURGH L.REV.1 (1995) [Lead Article][with Ziyad Motala].
“Elements of the Pacifist Conscience,”in Jovan Babic (ed.), PACIFISM:STILL THE ISSUE? (Philosophical Yearbook 25/2012of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Belgrade) (2013), pp. 293 –306.
The Kill Lists: An Assesment of the Moral Status of Targeted Killings, 15 REVISTA JURIS POIESIS373 (2012) [Solicited Article].
The American Prophet: The Influence of the Prophetic Inclination on Martin Luther King, Jr., 49 REVISTA DA FACULDADE DE DIREITO DE UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARANA59 (2009).
Modern Constitutionalism and Weimar Liberalism, 20 REVISTA DA SEÇAO JUDICIÁRIA DO RIO DE JANEIRO 15(2007)[Lead Article].
Rousseau Misused: Rousseau’s Political Thought and the Philosophy of Constitutionalism, 12 REVISTA CIENCIAS SOCIAIS --UGF13 (2006) [Solicited Article];“Objectively Speaking...” There is no Such Thing in the Law, 5 J.DISABILITY MED. 7 (2005)[Solicited Article].
“Think Before You Write,” 4/2 The Complete Lawyer (2008) available at
“Assessing the Writing Skills of New Law Graduates,” 2 Appellate Issues: The Online Journal of the ABA Council of Appellate Lawyers (2003)[with Susan Kosse].
Supreme Court Watch columnist for the newsletter of the ABA Section on State and Local Government (2002-2003) –3 issues.
Putting One Foot in Front of the Other: The Importance of Teaching Text-Based Research Before Exposing Students to Computer Assisted Legal Research, 9 PERSPECTIVES:TEACHING LEGAL RESEARCH AND WRITING 69 (2001)[with Susan Kosse].