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- A Noble Quest: Evaluating Game-Based Learning in Law School Courses and Bar Study (in progress).
- Send Lawyers, Guns, and Money: What Popular Song Lyrics Tell Us About Gideon’s (Failed) Promises (in progress).
- A Working Mother Prepares for Oral Argument, ABA JOURNAL (forthcoming).
- Capital Punishment and Circles of Trauma, in Trauma Informed Law: A Primer for Practicing Lawyers (forthcoming 2022).
- To Outgrow a Mockingbird: Confronting Our History—as Well as Our Fictions—About Indigent Defense in the Deep South, 54 Ga. L. Rev. 1297 (2020).
- What Brings You Here Today? An Introduction to Client Counseling (2021, Esquire Books).
- Considering Capital Punishment in the Time of Coronavirus, (April 3, 2020),
- Knowing better, doing better, Macon Mag., Aug.-Sept. 2019, at 100.
- What American Legal Education can Learn from the ‘Harry Potter’ Series, ABA Journal, June 27, 2019.
- Death Penalty, Annual Survey of Georgia Law, 70 Mercer L. Rev. 73 (2018).
- Remedial Reading: Evaluating Federal Courts’ Application of the Prejudice Standard in Capital Sentences from “Weighing” and “Non-Weighing” States, U. Pa. J. Const. L. Online (2017).
- On Competence: (Re)Considering Appropriate Legal Standards for Examining Sixth Amendment Claims Related to Criminal Defendants’ Mental Illness and Disability, 84 Tenn. L. Rev. 974 (2017).
- Reaping the whirlwind: Reflections on Passover, Easter, and a new age of religious discrimination, The Telegraph (Apr. 14, 2017, 11:55AM).
- Trump’s inauguration speech didn’t stray from history. It repeated it, The Telegraph (Feb. 01, 2017, 7:19 PM).
- Justice in the Deep South: Learning from History, Charting our Future: An Introduction, 67 Mercer L. Rev. 483 (2016).
- Cold Comfort Food: A Systematic Examination of the Rituals and Rights of the Last Meal (with Sabrina Atkins and Andrew Davies), 2 Brit. J. Am. Legal Stud. 411 (2014). (peer reviewed).
- Learning From Clergy Education: Externships Through the Lens of Formation, 19 Clinical L. Rev. 83 (2012) (with Daisy H. Floyd and Tim Floyd).
- Last Suppers, Mercer Law., Spr. 2012, at 24 (2012).
- Fresh Ears, Fresh Eyes: Final Editing Through Reading Aloud, 63 Mercer L. Rev. 971 (2012).
- Gideon’s Vuvuzela: Reconciling the Sixth Amendment’s Promises with the Doctrines of Forfeiture and Implicit Waiver of Counsel, 81 Miss. L.J. 439 (2011).
- Saving Their Own Souls: How RLUIPA Failed to Deliver on its Promises, 4 Legis. Pol'y Brief 119. (2012).
- Cover Story, Macon’s Wildlands Network, 11th Hour Macon, May 5, 2011.
- Finding my Voice, Finding my Name, AALS New Law Professor Newsletter (January 2011).
- No Answers, No Words, 19 Perspectives 25 (December 2010).
- Hush, Little Baby, Don’t Say a Word: How Seeking the “Best Interests of the Child” Fostered a Lack of Accountability in Georgia’s Juvenile Courts, 58 Mercer L. Rev. 531 (2007) (with Leigh S. Schrope).
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