On Executing Schizophrenics: Identity and the Construction of “Synthetic” Competency, Neuro-Interventions and The Law conference on Sep 12-14, 2014 in Atlanta.
Rationality, Insanity, and the Insanity Defense: Reflections on the Limits of Reason, Society for the Evolutionary Analysis of Law, U. of Illinois, April 2014.
When Nature and Nurture Collide, Society for the Evolutionary Analysis of Law, Emory University, April 2012.
“Disaggregating Defect: The Neurobiology of Insanity,” Society for the Evolutionary Analysis of Law, Loyola Law School (Los Angeles), February 2011.
“How (Some) Criminals Are Made,” Florida International University School of Law, Feb. 2012.
University of Georgia Law School Colloquium, February 2011; Society for the Evolutionary Analysis of Law, College of William & Mary, Spring 2010.
The Gruter Institute for Law and Behavioral Research, Squaw Valley Cal., May 2009.
Colloquium on Law and Neuroscience, University College London Faculty of Law and The Gruter Institute, July 2009.
“The Brain Sciences and Criminal Law Norms,” Symposium, The Brain Sciences in the Courtroom, Mercer University School of Law, October 2010;
Society for the Evolutionary Analysis of Law, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, April 2009.
“On the Nature of the Action-Omission Network,” Symposium on Law as a Network,Georgia State University, March 2008.
“Vengeance and Forgiveness in Criminal Law,” Society for the Evolutionary Analysis of Law, U. of Indiana, Bloomington, Nov. 2007;
The Gruter Institute for Law and Behavioral Research, Squaw Valley Cal., May 2006.
“The Problem with Blaming,” University College London Faculty of Laws and The Gruter Institute, London, February 13, 2006, and John Marshall Law School, Atlanta, Feb 3, 2006.
“Whose Decision, Who Decides? Decision-making at the End of Life: Medical, Legal and Ethical Issues at the End of Life,” Joint CLE/MLE Seminar, Mercer University Law School, November 2005.
An Analysis of Roper v. Simmons, The Gruter Institute for Law and Behavioral Research, Squaw Valley Cal., May 2005.
“Blaming Angry Men,” Georgia State University Law School, November 2004.
Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Journal of Law and Religion, November 2004.
Numerous presentations for ICLE of Georgia (Atlanta), Symposia on the United States Supreme Court’s most recent term, and at Faculty Development Symposia, Mercer University School of Law.